Friday, July 10, 2009


The Best day this month was by far yesterday.

I had an audition for a comedy horror feature film.

I met with the director Tim Sullivan.

We went over the script, he made me do a cold read for my character.

I was invited back at 7:00 pm..
Seven rolls around, I walk into the production office, and I see the entire cast sitting at a round conference table. My heart hit the floor, everyone looks at me. The Director announces, " This is LaRayia. The last character I've casted." he decided to break the news to me infront of the entire cast..

In my mind, Im like " Holly smokes, , I just got the part, I wanted to kick and scream, but instead I gulp an entire liter of cool! and sit down like I had known all along. :)

We did an entire run though of the film. As time unfolds. I will update with more details.

Im shooting in two weeks in Iowa.
Wish me, good work ethics and blessings.

The difference a day makes. 24 short little hours.


Anonymous said...

best of wishes

Precious Arianna. said...


Tori "Yoshi" Nicks said...

Congratulation's. The success of even my cyber peers brings me so much joy :)

The Word Verification word is "Goodluck"

now what does that tell us ?

Khady said...

You are amazing and I am glad that you got the part. KICK BUTT LADY!! WOOT WOOT!

The curious..