Friday, May 22, 2009

Buddha baby.

Orange juice Tattoos , tough cookies.

Trust Respect



God, how is it you place the most wonderful women in my path,
I am thankful for her. My beautiful friend.

p.s Her team, Undefeated. yup, SHE, plays football

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009



Ascend through loves billowed strain.
delicate as your calamus
Moonbeams bolster her mottled glide
stoutheartedness of diaphanous
dwindle in your estuary that reigns of beauty
I salute such a crimson death

Bonnie and Clyde.

I find him Wonderful.


My life long Muse. I always enjoy shooting him.


New York is always enchanting when our souls collide.

See you soon.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It is said.


The soul weighs 3oz.

Let me remember you as you were before you existed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oil and Water.

As Matthew will have it. (I avoided posting)

This past week, we were onset filming a movie.. 

We met some of the worlds crazies beings. One in which gave us the laughs, to last the entire week (we worked 94 hours, by the way, *wtf*).
 I do not remember her name. But We nicknamed her, oil, and I water. Because for some reason we did not mesh well. 

She was, a woman from Texas. 5 minutes into our greeting (oil)  tells Matthew and I, she was raped and didn't tell anyone for six months, and believes in abortion. 
Keep in mind, she hadn't even given her name, and kept such a secret for six months, and yet told us in five minutes?! hmm.. Strike one. 

The conversation shifted, into a debate on Capital punishment. Oil felt, when a young adult gets life in prison, we should give them all the death penalty because its more cost sufficient. Instead of paying for their well being. 1/2 A strike

(Her view points had me in shock, I politely interrupted and asked, what part of town she currently lives, *so I can avoid this area* Oil, quote on qoute, answers,  "San Berna-ghetto")

LaRayia: Alrighty, moving right along..

Our next conversation, goes right into politics. 
Oil, but of course is a republican, (oh btw, I have yet to meet an intelligent one, so if you fit the bill, send me a message)...
She rants and raves, "Democrats/ the middle class are horrible, non of them want to work, they want everything handed to them, this isn't fair"

*My silent thoughts* Isn't at least 85% of the population the middle class?  and aren't the highest paying jobs usually laborless? 

So, I randomly ask Oil, wait but being that you live in the ghetto, you fall into the category of being eligible for government assistance? 

Oil replied by saying, "well I don't live in the ghetto, its across the street from my house. but my nephew is half black. So I'm not racist"

(I was mistaken, Oil is a bit more cultured than I thought *facetious thought*)

How we moved on, to religion I will never understand. 
(Btw, Matthew is jewish, and I am a spiritual buddhist)

Oil then says, oh by the way. Im hard core Christian. 
Matthew, explodes in laughter shocked by the contradiction in her beliefs. 

Steam begins to escape from Oil's blushing ears. "Whats funny ABOUT THAT?!"

Matthew, "Nothing, nothing at ALL. I believe in god. Good for you too"

Confused, I asked "Do you have any friends?"

Oil says "Yeah, and they are black"

During this part of our conversation, David, comes to join our table.. 
Oil says to him. Aww hi.. We were talking about some of our friends. "Do you want to see a picture of my favorite black guy?"

At this point, Now I am unable to hold in my happy angry laugh. I have had enough. I felt an urge to bring her life to an emotional end. I wanted to commit viper tongue suicide. So I removed myself from her presence. 

*An hour later,* she found herself back, in my bubble.. 

Lolz. Life seems to be testing, my kindness. lolz







We went to see them live. Edit was amazing.
By far, the best DJ in the Glitch mob.
Next month they are opening up for prodigy.
Hopefully I'll see you there.

Out from hiding.


Friday, May 1, 2009

The curious..